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NeuroLunch: Introducing Dynamical Thresholds to a Nonlinear Model of Single Hippocampal Neurons

Thursday, October 21 – 12:00pm – HNB 100

Shane Roach will discuss past efforts to develop a nonparametric model of single
pyramidal neuron electrophysiological responses in the CA1 region of
the hippocampus and the lab's current progress of integrating dynamical thresholds into that model.  Specifically, we will review the Volterra Laguerre kernel method used to characterize pyramidal cell spike train transformations, the whole-cell patch clamp recording techniques used to gather kernel training and out-of-sample test data, and the performance improvement yield of the dynamical threshold model.

We will also cover the four major components of the current model: feedforward kernels responsible for transforming pre-synaptic spike input into post-synaptic potentials, the dynamical threshold kernel that takes into account output inter-spike-intervals, the spike detector, and the spike-triggered after-potential feedback kernel.